Belkin F7D1101 Wireless USB on android Cubieboard
Preconfigured Android Livesuit image from Cubieboard website only support Wireless Usb with RTL8192cu and RTL8188eu chipset. For anyone that have wireless USB with chipset 8712u (8188su) such as Belkin F7D1101 (list of similar device) must add the driver manually. Here you can find how to compile the driver and configure it in android cubieboard.
Edit Makefile, and add '+' on the EXTRAVERSION string
Extract driver from realtek website, and go to driver folder and extract again the file in that directory.
Edit Makefile in the extracted file directory and do these steps:
You need the following files to be able to compile the driver:
- Android TV BOX Allwinner source (download from here).
- RTL8712u driver (download from realtek website).
Extract the android source, in this example we will extract to /mnt/
mkdir /mnt/
cd /mnt/
tar zxvf cubieboard_opentv.tar.gz
cd cubieboard-tv-sdk/kernel/allwinner/common/
Copy default config file from arch/arm/configs/cubieboard_defconfig and do make prepare and make module_prepare.
mkdir /mnt/
cp arch/arm/configs/cubieboard_defconfig .config
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE="/mnt/cubieboard-tv-sdk/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-"
make prepare
make module_prepare
Edit Makefile in the extracted file directory and do these steps:
- Change to n for CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC value.
- On the end CONFIG_PLATFORM, add the following line CONFIG_PLATFORM_CB = y
- Add the following code before ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),) line
ifeq ($(CONFIG_PLATFORM_CB), y) EXTRA_CFLAGS += -DCONFIG_LITTLE_ENDIAN ARCH := arm CROSS_COMPILE := /mnt/cubieboard-tv-sdk/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi- KSRC := /mnt/cubieboard-tv-sdk/kernel/allwinner/common endif
- After that, in the same terminal, you can execute make.